Unleash Your Potential with AI-Powered Mind Maps and personalized videos

Transform how you learn, think and understand knowledge. MapBrain harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to automatically generate insightful mind maps and personalized videos.

We created the First Automated Mind Mapper  and Video Tool

Demo Map Brain

Generate automated Mind-Maps

Rapid Content Digestion

Streamlined Note-taking

Dynamic Understanding Aid

Simplicity at Its Best : MapBrain’s User-Friendly Process

Exemple Vidéo Map Brain

1. Record

Let your smartphone or computer record any document and our AI does the work.

2. Retain

The AI capture the core essence of the content, highlighting the most important concepts.

3. Visualize

Information is transformed into clear and personnalized mind maps or video lesson.

Promote Collaboration and Insight

Share MapBrain mind maps with others to foster richer discussion and discovery. Interactive maps invite comments and questions to take knowledge sharing to the next level. Transform passive content consumption into an active process of collaborative learning.

Map Brain Demo

MapBrain’s Prioneering Features

Icon transform file

Transform any content

transform any file and explainthe title (i need text)

Icon learn

Personnalize and learn

transform any file and explainthe title (i need text)

Icon Chatbot Map Brain

Use the chatbot

transform any file and explainthe title (i need text)

Progress icon Map Brain

Track your progress

transform any file and explainthe title (i need text)

Knowledge Icon Map Brain

Expand your knowledge

transform any file and explainthe title (i need text)

Icon Chatbot Map Brain

Receive tailored content

transform any file and explainthe title (i need text)